
Haus zum kaufen in Dannenfels


67814 Dannenfels
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
459.900 €
154 m²
101 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 32484230

Objekttyp: Keine Angabe
Zimmer: 5
Größe: 154.00 m²
Grundstücksfläche: 1.185,00 m²
Verfügbar ab: keine Angabe
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Preise & Kosten

Kaufpreis: 459.900 €
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Provision: Nein
Preis/m²: 2.986,36 €
Mit Immobilienpreisen Dannenfels vergleichen



A hipped roof embodies elegance and conveys a noble, almost stately impression. This is also the case with our Stadtvilla 10 with hipped roof. The big plus: Thanks to this roof shape, there are no sloping ceilings on the upper floor and therefore numerous options for positioning the furniture. But this city villa can still score with many other small and large equipment and floor plan details. There is a spatial division on the approx. 78 m2 ground floor: the rooms for relaxing and getting together on the garden side, the functional rooms on the side facing the street. In concrete terms, this means that the large living-dining-cooking area has direct access to the terrace and thus to the countryside. The office, utility room and guest toilet are opposite and directly accessible from the hallway. On the upper floor, in addition to the parents' area, there are two identically sized children's rooms and a spacious bathroom with tub, shower and toilet.
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67814 Dannenfels


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 3.388,25 €/m² in Dannenfels.

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Ähnliche Häuser bei ImmoScout24

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Weitere Ergebnisse für:
Wohnungen Dannenfels; Immobilien Dannenfels; Haus mieten Dannenfels; WG Zimmer Dannenfels; Wohnung Dannenfels kaufen; Haus kaufen Dannenfels; Immobilienpreise Dannenfels

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