
Einfamilienhaus zum kaufen in Rathenow

A Lifestyle Defined By Elegance

14712 Rathenow
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
449.956 €
156.41 m²
11 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36769311

Objekttyp: Einfamilienhaus
Zimmer: 5
Größe: 156.41 m²
Grundstücksfläche: 645,00 m²
Verfügbar ab: keine Angabe
Kann ich mir dieses Haus leisten?

Preise & Kosten

Kaufpreis: 449.956 €
Jetzt kostenlos Finanzierungsangebot anfragen!
Provision: Ja
Preis/m²: 2.876,77 €
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Baujahr: 2025
Energieausweis: Bedarfsausweis
Endenergiebedarf: 18,00 kWh/(m²*a)
Energieeffizienzklasse: A+


We have understood HOME.
To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly.
In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true.
Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already in place. They are then delivered to you. On site, on your plot, your prefabricated home is finally assembled by an experienced assembly team, usually in just two days.
With a short construction time, high adherence to deadlines and an excellent eco-balance, your prefabricated house beats a solid construction house by far. What's more, you don't have to go through the tedious process of dry living in a solid construction house and can move straight into your new Living Haus. Instead of waiting for something, you can start making it your home.
The big advantage of your prefabricated home from Living Haus - in addition to the many great included services: You get all the essential services for building your home from a single source, right up to the point where you take on the finishing work yourself. Because you always decide what makes your home. Go for it! Contact me and arrange a free, no-obligation consultation today at +4915110566051

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14712 Rathenow


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 2.659,23 €/m² in Rathenow.

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