
Apartment in Berlin

BISAU - 2 rooms apartment with balcony in Prenzlauer Berg

10437 Berlin
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
1.885 €
60 m²
1514 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 34034392

Objekttyp: Apartment
Zimmer: 2
Größe: 60.00 m²
Etage: 1
Frei ab: 03.02.2024
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 1.885 €
Nebenkosten: 352 €
Gesamtmiete: 2.237 €
Preis/m²: 31,42 €
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Kaution: 2000 


Tiere erlaubt
Baujahr: 2014
Objektzustand: renoviert
Befeuerungsart: Gas
Energieausweis: Energieausweis in Vorbereitung


Welcome to Bisau, a charming and cozy apartment located in the vibrant Prenzlauer Berg. This primarily residential neighborhood is filled with young professionals and families and has streets lined with farmer’s markets, shops, and restaurants. After a day of exploring, come home to Bisau to experience its stylish mountain design theme, comfortable amenities, and convenient location.

Spanning across 60 square meters, Bisau provides a well-designed space for you to relax and unwind. The apartment features a beautifully furnished bedroom with a queen size bed, ensuring a restful night's sleep. The bedroom also includes a dedicated workstation, providing a quiet area for work or study. The one bathroom features a bathtub, offering a luxurious setting for a soothing soak. Whether you prefer a quick refreshing shower or a leisurely bath, this well-appointed bathroom caters to your needs.

With cozy textiles, rustic wooden furniture, and hanging lights, guests will find the comfortable and mountainous living room. The comfortable sofa transforms into a bed, providing extra sleeping arrangements for additional guests. The living room is also equipped with an entertainment system, allowing you to enjoy your favorite movies or TV shows. The dining table creates the perfect space for enjoying meals or gathering with friends and family. Step outside from the living room onto the balcony and breathe in the fresh air while enjoying the views of the surrounding neighborhood.

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10437 Berlin


Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 19,11 €/m² in Berlin.

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