
Apartment in Berlin-Moabit

MARCHENA - 1 bedroom apartment in Tiergarten (Berlin)

10553 Berlin, Moabit
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
1.356 €
74 m²
582 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 34034447

Objekttyp: Apartment
Zimmer: 2
Größe: 74.00 m²
Etage: 4
Frei ab: 26.02.2024
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 1.356 €
Nebenkosten: 365 €
Gesamtmiete: 1.721 €
Preis/m²: 18,32 €
Mit Mietspiegel Berlin vergleichen
Kaution: 2000 


Tiere erlaubt
Wohnen auf Zeit
Baujahr: 2014
Objektzustand: renoviert
Befeuerungsart: Öl
Energieausweis: Energieausweis in Vorbereitung


Marchena is in Tiergarten, named after the enormous park, and also part of Mitte, the center of Berlin. With so much to offer in terms of history, culture, nightlife, and nature, it’s important to have the right home to come back to at the end of a long day.

An exceedingly spacious, one bedroom apartment, Marchena greets guests with an attractive hallway. Upon entering the open living and dining area, enjoy the simple, rustic take on our grassland theme. The handsome, wooden flooring and furniture help to create a comfortable, relaxing space. The modern kitchen is beautifully designed, fully equipped with all appliances and utensils, and even features a second dining table. Perfect for a coffee and a brötchen in the morning.

The bedroom makes for another fantastic, open area. With a queen size bed, several wardrobes, and a separate workstation, the room still feels uncluttered. The graceful decor and furnishings make it such a pleasant space. Marchena also has a large bathroom, complete with modern fittings, including a full-size bathtub.

Fully furnished, this home comes with everything you need, including bedding and linens.

Our bookings are from 1 to 11 months, with the option to extend.

Our apartments can be sold through our website, there is no selection process.

*We welcome pets, fees are subject to apply. Guests will be informed of any additional charges in the final contract.


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10553 Berlin

Berlin Moabit

Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 18,02 €/m² in Berlin - Moabit. Der durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis in Berlin liegt derzeit bei 19,11 €/m².

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