
Wohnimmobilie (sonstige) in Berlin-Lichtenrade

Cosy home for temporary living in green and quiet neighbourhood in Berlin Lichtenrade

Soldiner Str.
12305 Berlin, Lichtenrade
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
3.500 €
140 m²
380 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 35157571

Objekttyp: Wohnimmobilie (sonstige)
Zimmer: 5
Größe: 140.00 m²
Frei ab: ab sofort
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 3.500 €
Miete für Garage/Stellplatz: 0 €
Gesamtmiete: 3.500 €
Preis/m²: 25,00 €
Mit Mietspiegel Berlin vergleichen
Kaution: 7000 


Wohnen auf Zeit
Baujahr: 1980
Objektzustand: renoviert
Befeuerungsart: Gas
Energieausweis: Energieausweis in Vorbereitung


This fully furnished detached house offers a practical and at the same time cosy temporary home on a total of ca. 140m2.

Bills included in the rent. Internet provided.

The hallway leads into the spacious living and dining room, which is equipped with TV, hi-fi system and designer sofa. Right next door is the excellently equipped kitchen, cooker, oven, microwave, a spacious refrigerator and a washing machine as well as all practical utensils leave nothing to be wished for.
The staircase leads to the three bedrooms, which are all equipped with blinds: the master bedroom with a twin bed, a children's room with a day bed and an additional pull-out bed, as well as a guest room. From the master bedroom you can reach the large balcony facing the garden. The bathroom has both a bathtub and a separate shower and two washbasins. The fully developed attic offers space for two large workstations and a hobby corner with fitness equipment and an art easel. The cosy garden and terrace invite you to linger. Storage space and the possibility to dry laundry is provided by an additional room in the basement.

Location: Lichtenrade is a residential district in the south of Berlin. The property is located in a low-building area with predominantly single-family houses. From the nearby Lichtenrade S-Bahn station and the Alt-Mariendorf U-Bahn station, you can reach the centre of Berlin in about 20 minutes.

Please note that this property can only be rented for temporary living.


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Soldiner Str.
12305 Berlin

Berlin Lichtenrade

Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 18,02 €/m² in Berlin - Lichtenrade. Der durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis in Berlin liegt derzeit bei 19,11 €/m².

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