
Penthouse in Königstein im Taunus

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61462 Königstein im Taunus
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
2.400 €
240 m²
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26 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 35801705

Objekttyp: Penthouse
Zimmer: 5
Größe: 240.00 m²
Etage: 2 von 2
Frei ab: 15.2.2025
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: k.A.
Nebenkosten: 550 €
Gesamtmiete: k.A.
Preis/m²: 10,00 €
Mit Mietspiegel Königstein im Taunus vergleichen
Kaution: k.A.


Baujahr: 1984
Befeuerungsart: Zentralheizung
Energieausweis: liegt vor


This location is town center and nature in one -
a *House on top of a House*, quiet and sunny.
240 sqm (250 sq.ya.) large. The living room by itself 75 sqm (90 sq.ya.).
4 bedrooms, 3 baths with day light.
Living sovereign above all, untroubled and safe,
no persistent pressure to mow the lawn,
unworried safe going on a trip (neighbors down).

This home is very light and has a wonderful open view over the valley towards south west.
The terrace is private and spacious enough for a large dining table or sun beds.
On the same floor is a practical house keeping room (for washing machine/dryer/ironing).

The house is located directly at the front row of an idyllic landscape conservation area. A the same time, the town center is also close with shopping facilities, restaurants, and commuter train to Frankfurt within walking distance.

Additionally, stress free travel by car with the short motor way connection to Frankfurt, airport and Wiesbaden.

Exclusive international neighborhood and peaceful environment. Contribute to a pleasant and holiday-like feeling the whole year!

With its generous structuring of the living area and the panorama windows, its large dining place, the cozy, romantic fireplace in front of parents bedroom. The home gives to visitors straight away the impression of an exceptional and spacious place.

This home is very functional for a family with the parent area with adjacent bath and two rooms for children/visitors with their own bath. Additionally on upper floor, the separate large studio also has a separate shower bath.

You are warmly invited to visit this outstanding living place.
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61462 Königstein im Taunus

Königstein im Taunus

Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 17,04 €/m² in Königstein im Taunus.

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