
WG-Zimmer in Berlin-Neukölln

QUIET COSY ROOM in the heart of NK

Auf Anfrage
12059 Berlin, Neukölln
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
520 €
12 m²
195 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36273891

Objekttyp: WG-Zimmer
Zimmer: 1
Zimmergröße: 12.00 m²
Etage: 4
Frei ab: ab sofort - Objekt ist vermietet
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 520 €
Nebenkosten: 70 €
Gesamtmiete: 590 €
Preis/m²: 43,33 €
Mit Mietspiegel Berlin vergleichen
Kaution: 200 


Wohnen auf Zeit
Baujahr: 1908
Objektzustand: vollständig renoviert
Befeuerungsart: Fernwärme
Energieausweis: Energieausweis nicht notwendig (Denkmalschutz)


Temporary 1-room shared apartment, non-smoking, for 1 person, Rent is monthly. Also flexible times, after consultation.
From 1st December until end of February 2025. (or flexible)

Bicycle incl., WLAN incl., washing machine incl., kitchen and bathtub available.
(Note: Please write only if you are 1 person).

Ideal for working and relaxing in North Neukölln.

The apartment (4th floor without elevator) is very quiet and is located 5 min from the city hall Neukölln. Thus very centrally located. The Landwehrkanal can be reached on foot in a few minutes, buses and U-Bahn, S-Bahn are virtually on the doorstep. A very young, creative and lively area with bars, restaurants, pubs, kiosks, fast food stores, vegan cafes, stores and discounters. Landwehrkanal 5 min away.

In the kitchen there is everything needed: Refrigerator, freezer, stove, toaster etc as well as a washing machine. There is a bathtub in the bathroom. A bicycle is available as well as the use of WLAN. All in all, an area of 32m2 is usable; the apartment acts as a WG at the time and is cleaned weekly.

The is a non-smoking apartment. Zoom call possibilities, during the day between 10 am -20 pm, after consultation


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Auf Anfrage
12059 Berlin

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Wohnungen Berlin; Immobilien Berlin; Haus mieten Berlin; WG Zimmer Berlin; Wohnung Berlin kaufen; Haus kaufen Berlin; Immobilienpreise Berlin Mietspiegel Berlin

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