
Etagenwohnung in Leipzig-Reudnitz-Thonberg

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04317 Leipzig, Reudnitz-Thonberg
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Umzugskosten berechnen
365 €
37 m²
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6 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36576289

Objekttyp: Etagenwohnung
Zimmer: 2
Größe: 37.00 m²
Etage: 3
Frei ab: keine Angabe
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: k.A.
Nebenkosten: 70 €
Gesamtmiete: k.A.
Preis/m²: 9,86 €
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Kaution: k.A.


Tiere erlaubt


Hi there,

I'm looking to swap my apartment for a place in Berlin.

The apartment is 36m2 and includes two rooms, a balcony, a kitchen, and a small bathroom with a tub. With one larger and one smaller room, the apartment offers plenty of space to create different areas for various purposes.

You'll have access to a cozy loft bed that can comfortably accommodate two people. The well-equipped kitchen features a large refrigerator, a freezer, and an induction stove, a large blender, a toaster, and all the other amenities a modern kitchen should offer.

The apartment's location in Reudnitz offers quick access to the "S-Bahnhof Stötteritz" station, from which you can quickly get to the city center and other destinations. The "Riebeck-/Oststraße" tram stop is also nearby. Several bus stops are within a 4-minute walk, making it easy to get around the city or reach the main train station quickly.

In the vicinity, you'll find various shopping options: REWE, Lidl, Konsum, and Norma are all within a 10-minute walk. Additionally, there are several bakeries in the area, including traditional artisanal bakeries, as well as various other shops like Aldi and numerous Döner places.

The neighborhood is quiet but still close to the bustling city life. In the morning, the sun rises on the balcony side, and the trees right in front are beautifully illuminated by the first rays of sunshine. From there you can enjoy a sunny view of the greenery until about 3 PM. ☀️

If you're interested, feel free to contact me. I'm happy to provide more information and will do my best to make a swap as pleasant as possible.

Looking forward to your message!

Best regards,
Mello :)
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04317 Leipzig

Leipzig Reudnitz-Thonberg

Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 10,33 €/m² in Leipzig - Reudnitz-Thonberg. Der durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis in Leipzig liegt derzeit bei 10,73 €/m².

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