
Etagenwohnung in Darmstadt-Wixhausen

Studio apartment near city center and central station (Looking for university students)

64295 Darmstadt, Wixhausen
auf der Karte ansehen
Umzugskosten berechnen
665 €
19 m²
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4 Aufrufe

Objekt-ID: 36879471

Objekttyp: Etagenwohnung
Zimmer: 1
Größe: 19.00 m²
Etage: 1 von 1
Frei ab: 1.6.2025
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Preise & Kosten

Kaltmiete: 665 €
Nebenkosten: 129 €
Gesamtmiete: 794 €
Preis/m²: 35,00 €
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Kaution: k.A.




The apartment is approximately 19 sqm and is fully furnished with a private kitchen area and bathroom, as seen in the pictures. The room is very spacious warm and bright with tenant controlled heating, a heated floor in the bathroom area, and three large windows with dark and light curtains for maximum comfort. In the apartment there are also two spacious wardrobes included and a storage area under the bed.

In addition to the private space, residents have access to a variety of shared amenities, including: a large fully equipped kitchen, study areas, a cinema room, a gym, laundry facilities as well as indoors and outdoors parking areas for cars and bikes.

The contract lasts until the end of September and the monthly all-inclusive rent is 794€. If you are planning a longer stay I can get you in touch with the landlord for further discussion on the topic. Normally the contracts provided last either 6 months or a year.

The accommodation provides weekday assistance from the morning until the afternoon and the staff is very friendly and helpful. Furthermore, there is a TULU box placed in the lobby where tenants can rent household appliances for a small fee.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
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64295 Darmstadt

Darmstadt Wixhausen

Der aktuelle durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis beträgt 13,59 €/m² in Darmstadt - Wixhausen. Der durchschnittliche Quadratmeterpreis in Darmstadt liegt derzeit bei 15,24 €/m².

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